TF K-381

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TF K-381

Is an excellent water and oilrepellent for textiles


 TF K-381 doesn't contain PFOS/PFOA ofhazardous substances. It is a short chain fluorocarbonbasedwater


TF K-381 has a excellent water repellency andwashing durability compared to wax based water

repellent and silicon based water repellent.

TF K-381 is specially effective to cellulosefabrics and there blended fabrics as Cotton,T/C(=P/C), N/C,

N/PC, T/R, C/N.

TF K-381 is represents an excellent waterrepellency after dry cleaning and washingdurability.

TF K-381 enables good workability allowingfor uninterrupted production process.


Appearance : Milky white emulsion

Effective component : 30 % ± 0.5

Gravity : 0.99 ± 0.01

Ionic nature : Slightly cation

pH : 4 ± 1

Solubility : Easily in cold water


1. TF K-381 is PFOS/PFOA free.

2. TF K-381 is an short chain fluorocarbon based water repellent.

3. TF K-381 has good mechanical stability.

4. TF K-381 doesn't have inflammability,volatility by reducing VOC (Volatile Organic

Compound) content.

5. TF K-381 is suitable water repellent agentfor cellulose fabrics and there blended

fabrics as Cotton, T/C(=P/C), N/C, N/PC, T/R,C/N.

6. TF K-381 is represents an excellent waterrepellency after dry cleaning and

washing durability.

7. TF K-381 has a excellent water repellencyand washing durability compared to waxbased

water repellent and silicon based waterrepellent.

8. TF K-381 maintains stable emulsion by goodphysical stability to mechanical

condition as high temperature, high pressureand high speed etc.

10. TF K-381 has not trouble caused bygum-up, separation, break of emulsion.

11. TF K-381 is also has wide pH stable rangebut weak acid helpful for absorbance.


1. TF K-381 can be diluted with water andtreating process is


Spray --> Dry --> Cure

Foam spread

* Adjust of bath(In the case of mixing withpenetrating agent, resin and other finishingagent)

1) Put water in bath by 80% of total solution.

2) Agitate enough after put another chemicalsaccording to maker's recommendation.

3) Add TF K-381 to prepared bath and agitateslowly.




















Prescription processing (for washingdurability processing)

- TF K-381 (Water repellent) 100pt + WC-700(Catalyst) 5~10pt


1. Fabrics

1) Remove impurities by pre-treatmentprocedure. Alkali, spinning oil, sizing agent and other surfactant are bad influenced to repellency.

2) After drying, remove completely asurfactant as levelling agent, dispersing agent and penetrating agent, etc.

Reasonable pH condition is 5-6 and avoid fromalkaline solution, it can be the factor of gum-up and low water repellency.

2. Bath

1) Put water in bath by 50% of neededsolution

2) Put resin, softener and etc according tothe quantity consumed

3) Put reasonable amount of TF K-381 andcheck the bath condition(pH,


If pH condition is exceed 7.0, add acid.Stability is problem, add IPA.


1. Avoid from mixing with anionicauxiliaries.

2. Fixing agent of reactive dyes can beinfluenced to water repellency.

3. Best repellency effect is needed properrepellent agent and catalyst.

4. Treatment with antipastic agent is neededcareful consideration.

5. Remove floating matters in bath or someover-flow is better.

6. When bath color is changed by dyes comeout from fabric, bath cleaning is needed. 7. Small size and auto-feeding bath is reasonable for W/R finish because it iseffective to prevent

ending or tailing.


1. Store in -5 ~ 40. Avoid from direct fire and light.

2. Close a cover fasten.

3. Low toxic but prohibit contact with theskin, eyes, inhalation and swallowing.


Don't eat this product and further detailcontents is in MSDS.


Copyright  ©  2023 Beijing Kemiest Biopharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd. All rights reserved

Address: 914, 8th Floor, Building 66, Yard 2, Jingyuan North Street, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, Beijing

Email:  京ICP备2023011254号